Leo Thompson is the founder of Edsplorer www.edsplorer.com and the former Head of Educational Partnerships for learning-to-learn specialists, iCanStudy. He was also a consultant School Support and Evaluation Officer for the Council of International Schools. He is a former teacher and school head, popular writer and speaker committed to helping children to become their best selves and to live a happy, successful and fulfilling life.
Leo is also known for the infographics he designs to stimulate thinking and development. These include the award winning iconic Inclusion Umbrella featured in UNESCO related publications. To help children live fulfilling lives and negotiate its hurdles, Leo believes that every child should leave school equipped with a powerpack of 3 essentials: great learning-to-learn skills, social-emotional skills and communication skills – nurtured in a culture of love, kindness and health. He is delighted to be part of this conference and excited to share, learn and connect.